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Hurricane Breaks Roads, Bridges and Communications

It was lights out in a huge portion of the Eastern U.S. in the pathway of Hurricane Helene.

We’re safe!

Some of you may know that we moved to Johnson City in East Tennessee in 2019. Some of you may know that our area was just hit by a hurricane. 🧐 

Yes. You read it right. 

A hurricane hit Tennessee — a state that’s nowhere near the coast.😳 The mountains always break up the hurricanes. 

That is… until this one.

Communication Cut Off

We had no Wi-Fi or cell phone service for 48 hours. (Being without one is bad enough. But both??) And a large limb broke off a tree. Jeff will have to use a long extension ladder to cut off the limb where it’s still attached. We’re thankful that’s all. Sadly, areas around us suffered utter devastation from Hurricane Helene. 

And here’s a mind-blowing satellite photo showing how much of the Eastern U.S. was without power.

Our hearts are heavy to hear of the deaths and the people still missing. Our sympathies go out to their families and friends.

At the same time, we’re inspired to see service and generosity in a time of suffering and great need. Countless heroes and volunteers have and continue to come to the rescue. Plus, the resiliency of the locals in the Appalachian Highlands is remarkable. 

In our vicinity, many bridges have been damaged or destroyed. Houses, never intended to be houseboats, were swept away by surging rivers. A hospital in Unicoi, the next town south, was submerged. Even parts of I-26, our usual route to Asheville, NC, have disappeared. 😢😢

Speaking of Asheville, which is just over the mountain an hour away from us, we heard no one could drive in and out of it. Due to the extensive damage, most of the area had no ability to send or receive messages. Ditto for most of Western North Carolina.

Are Your Communications Being Cut Off?

Being cut off from outside communications, we had no idea of the devastation surrounding us. At least not until friends across the street with Wi-Fi and cell phone service showed us videos a day later. 

Not having the ability to send OR receive communications is similar to having your target markets ignore your communications. Either way, messages are not being received.

Increase the likelihood your communications will be received by using stories that make your stakeholders the heroes.

In the meantime, stories are being written right now of all the heroes serving those in need of assistance. We pray for all those still suffering and who have lost loved ones due to Hurricane Helene.

And we apologize for our Week 39 message being late. But we hope you understand.

Watch for examples of email marketing disasters in our next blog post.

The 3 Big Takeaways:

  1. We’re safe.
  2. Pray for those affected by Hurricane Helene.
  3. Story can prevent your communications from being cut off.

We’re grateful to have all of you who read our blog posts.

Before beginning her storytelling consulting for corporations, Leticia Follett Pizzino fine-tuned her storytelling talents beginning in 1990 (although her dad says she’s been telling stories since she learned to talk) by telling stories to thousands nationwide at schools, fairs, festivals, conferences, private parties and corporate events.

As a creative who understands the science of story, she trains corporations how to use stories to truly connect with and win over the hearts and minds of all their stakeholders with narrative — including the origin story, founder’s story, values story, customer success story, and others. Whether through telling, speaking, writing or training, she believes storytelling is a heart-to-heart endeavor. Her storytelling consulting opens CEO’s and executive team’s eyes to the great potential and power story possesses to connect, empower, motivate, uplift, inspire, teach, change and heal. Email Leticia.

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