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10 Relevant Song Titles for PR Pros

Creating a playlist that speaks to public relations pros can reinforce sound communications principles — and be a fun diversion. Photo by Il Vagabiondo on Unsplash.

Let’s have some light-hearted fun with this blog post…

Public relations isn’t just about crafting the perfect press release, crisis communications plan, or executive bio — it’s about finding ethical, creative ways to connect with your audience for a lasting impact. 

And just like a well-told story, there are songs we may connect with because their message can amplify the wise implementation of PR. That’s why I’ve compiled a playlist of 10 songs that reflect key aspects of good PR work. These song titles, and even some of their lyrics, run the gamut from spreading positive messages to watching over an organization’s reputation to managing crises with integrity. 

These songs also highlight the importance of truth, transparency and storytelling — all pillars of ethical PR.

So, let’s hit play on this PR playlist — largely biased toward my personal musical preferences — that should put a smile on anyone’s face charged with telling an organization’s story!

  1. Tell Me Something Good” (1974) – Rufus
    One role an organization’s communications play is to spread good news about a product or service and how it can improve a stakeholder’s life. PR messages that are truthful, authentic and engaging, just like this classic, resonate with audiences and help build trust and connections.
  2. Communicate” (1989) – The B-52’s
    This upbeat track serves as a perfect reminder that effective communications is key in PR. The song emphasizes establishing clear connections, with standout lyrics like “You gotta reach out – reach out and touch someone.” In other words, communications must be engaging. Whether you’re dealing with clients, customers or media, open and transparent communication is essential to building trust and fostering relationships.
  3. Every Breath You Take” (1983) – The Police
    Monitoring the media and keeping tabs on a company’s public image is a major part of PR. Just like in this song, PR pros are constantly watching and listening — ensuring that every press release, tweet, or communications campaign aligns with the brand’s core values. As I’ve said many times, one of the most important roles of an organization’s head of communications is to act as the conscience of a company. Being ever so tuned into all communicatons is key to maintaining a positive public image.
  4. I Heard It Through the Grapevine” (1968) – Marvin Gaye
    PR pros often face the challenge of managing rumors and crises. This classic hit is a reminder of how important it is to handle misinformation swiftly before it spirals out of control. Proactive reputation management is a cornerstone of great PR.
  5. Come Together” (1969) – The Beatles
    So that I don’t disappoint my older brother, I better include a Beatles song in this list! (Maintaining good PR with your siblings is important too.) “Come Together” is a perfect anthem for PR professionals because success often depends on bringing people and ideas together to form a cohesive message. Just like the song’s call to unity, PR pros must unite various stakeholders — from media to customers, employees and others — to create a powerful and consistent narrative. This track is a reminder that good public relations makes sure everyone is on the same page and working toward a common goal.
  6. Changes” (1971) – David Bowie
    PR professionals must continuously adapt to new trends, crises and opportunities. Bowie’s “Changes” serves as a reminder to embrace flexibility and evolve with the ever-shifting media landscape. Being adaptable is crucial in staying ahead in the PR game.
  7. Freedom of Choice” (1980) – Devo
    Public relations is about offering audiences options and guiding them to make informed decisions. Devo’s “Freedom of Choice” speaks to the power of messaging in shaping public perception, encouraging audiences to choose wisely — hopefully, in favor of your product or service.
  8. Whip It” (1980) – Devo
    Sometimes PR projects require fast thinking and immediate action. “Whip It” is a fun reminder that when the pressure’s on, PR pros need to whip campaigns into shape, handle challenges, and deliver results under tight deadlines. Agility is the name of the game. Tell it… tell it good!
  9. Heroes” (1977) – David Bowie
    PR and marketing often position companies, leaders, or brands as heroes in their industries. This is a mistake. It’s the stakeholders that need to feel like the heroes (and for longer than just one day). Craft narratives that inspire and elevate your subject to hero status.
  10. Everyday I Write the Book” (1983) – Elvis Costello
    Crafting the right message is an everyday task for PR professionals. From press releases to social media posts, PR pros are constantly shaping the narrative. Like Costello’s storytelling, PR pros write and rewrite the “book” on how brands are perceived, ensuring each chapter (i.e., campaign) is cohesive to the organization’s narrative and resonates with the public.

This playlist is more than just a fun collection of songs — it’s a reminder of the core principles that guide ethical, effective public relations: communication, vigilance, adaptability and collaboration. These tunes capture the essence of what it means to be a PR professional who leads with integrity.

3 Big Takeaways

  1. Effective PR centers around communication and connection – Just like the songs “Tell Me Something Good” and “Communicate” remind us, clear, engaging, and authentic communication is the foundation of building trust with stakeholders.
  2. Adaptability and vigilance are key in public relations – Songs like “Changes” and “Every Breath You Take” highlight the importance of staying agile and constantly monitoring your company’s public image, ensuring that every message aligns with your brand’s values.
  3. Storytelling creates heroes, not brands – As “Heroes” and “Everyday I Write the Book” show, PR is about crafting compelling narratives that elevate your stakeholders, making them feel empowered, while consistently shaping how your brand is perceived.

Jeffery E. Pizzino, APR is a spin-free public relations pro who is passionate about telling the why of your story with clarity, impact and authenticity. He began his PR career in 1987 at Ketchum Public Relations in New York City but has spent the majority of his career as a solopreneur. He’s AuthenticityPR’s Chief Authentic Officer also functions as the fractional CCO for technology startup Converus.

Jeff has an MBA in Management from Western International University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications — with an emphasis in PR — from Brigham Young University. He’s a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but also holds an Italian citizenship. Jeff and his storyteller wife Leticia have four children and four grandchildren. In his extremely limited nonwork hours, he studies italiano, practices guitar, gardens, disc golfs, reads, listens to New Wave music, serves in his church, watches BYU football, and plays Dominion and Seven Wonders. Email Jeff.

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