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The weekly AuthenticityPR newsletter provides useful PR, marketing communications, and storytelling tips. You should subscribe (if you’re not already) via the form on our home page.

Week 50: Why Did Sting’s Butler Occasionally Call Me?

Week 49: I Just Fired ChatGPT

Week 48: Giving Thanks & Celebrating Thanksgiving 2024

Week 47: Don’t Let the “9” Pricing Strategy Charm You

Week 46: A Fumbled Post-Game Press Conference

Week 45: The Tiny Unsubscribe: A Deceptive Email Marketing Strategy

Week 44: Unbearable Boss? Staff Not “All In?” Here’s a Likely Reason Why…

Week 43: Where’s That Confounded Bridge?

Week 42: Which of These 22 Creative Job Titles Do You Like Best?

Week 41: Email Marketing Copywriting Disasters – Part 2

Week 40: Email Marketing Copywriting Disasters – Part 1

Week 39: Hurricane Breaks Roads, Bridges and Communications

Week 38: 10 Relevant Song Titles for PR Pros

Week 37: 5 Reasons Startups Must Do This 1 Thing

Week 36: How Do You Get Your Message Into Minds & Memories?

Week 35: A Divisive Workplace – Do You Look At Others as “P4” or “G5?”

Week 34: Communication Catastrophe — A Ridiculous Airbnb Experience

Week 33: Finding the Untold Stories of Your Organization

Week 32: 3 Reasons Why Marketing Should NEVER Be the Boss of PR

Week 31: How an Epic Communications Breakdown Can Lead to Death

Week 30: What Obscure 1970 Song Inspired This Business Advice?

Week 29: Want a Productive, Engaged Workforce? Do This…

Week 28: 5 Ways to Enhance Personal Connection with Others on Zoom

Week 27: 5 Keys for a Stellar Zoom Environment

Week 26: 5 Essential Zoom Tips

Week 25: 5 Tips for Taking Your Writing from Blah to Brilliant

Week 24: 14 Ways to Kill Your Perceived Value (Part 2)

Week 23: 14 Ways to Kill Your Perceived Value (Part 1)

Week 22: Tell the Press About Your Competition

Week 21: The Abundance Mentality

Week 20: Does Your PR & Marketing Tell Your Story Well?

Week 19: Me-Centered vs. You-Centered

Special Welcome Edition: Is Your Best Story Being Told?