Press Relations Lesson #7: 7 Ways to Maximize Your Press Coverage

02.28.2025 – If you secured press coverage using the tips from the previous six press relations lessons — congratulations! But landing a story is only half the battle. If you’re not leveraging your media coverage, you’re leaving credibility, exposure, and potential customers on the table.

Press Relations Lesson #5: A 10-Step Press Pitching Process

02.15.2025 – Still at your same job? I ask because now that you’ve had four of the seven press relations lessons, I’m wondering if you’ve completely fallen so in love with the public relations profession that you decided to switch jobs

Press Relations Lesson #3: Why Your PR Game is Doomed Without an Organized Press List

01.31.2025 – By tomorrow, 2025 will already be 1/12th over. How are those PR goals — specifically your press relations (also called media relations) — coming along? If you’re serious about landing earned media, and going at it alone instead of letting a PR pro help you out, then I hope you’re finding value in this 7-part press relations course.

NEVER… Kill a Customer

01.10.2025 – It all started when a man in a restaurant noticed he had a dirty fork. It was only a tiny speck of dirt on his fork. However, this trivial complaint about a slightly dirty fork escalates into melodramatic apologies from the head waiter and then the restaurant manager.