Secrets to Securing Print Coverage

02.05.2016 – How do you get a magazine or newspaper to write about your product for free? And why would you want to pursue press coverage before you engage in advertising? I’ll go into great detail answering these questions during my presentation at a Feb. 12 Eliances “Secret Session” in Scottsdale, Arizona. Hope you can make it. In the meantime, here’s a teaser to what I’ll be talking about…
It’s Time to Slay the Possessive Its

01.24.2014 – One of the most embarrassing moments I witnessed in my professional career occurred in about 2003. While employed at The Gemological Institute of America in Carlsbad, CA, the head of the PR department occasionally gave his staff permission to leave the premises and partake of professional development (yes, it was a very “controlling” culture there). I decided to attend an advanced public relations writing course given by PR pro Fraser P. Seitel, author of The Practice of Public Relations (a great PR textbook; I recently ordered the new 12th edition) in Los Angeles.
Give PR its Own Umbrella

01.03.2014 – The true role of public relations in a company is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, misaligned, or just plain missing. The last three companies I was employed by all got it wrong. They put PR under the marketing umbrella, with the head of PR often reporting to the vice president of marketing. Who in the world taught marketing to be such a control freak when it comes to PR?
The PR Gods Called Me to Blog

01.09.2014 – Just for a moment I imagined I was looking up into the PR heavens (OK, I know I’ve probably already lost some of you as you may have a hard time reading “PR” and “heaven” in the same breath). If the PR heavens were to part, what would the PR gods say to me prior to officially launching my first blog?
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